Opposed to finding TRUTH in SCIENCE , which is a general problem (universal rational path) that can largely be defined independent of the context, TRUTH finding in ART is a personalized problem (private emotional path) that is dominated by the context. The context in ART has two main modes of operation, Idealization and Essentialization. In the ART approach we could start with literature in which case one has to read a large set of books and starting points are difficult to give. Literature, like cinematography, is operating in the domain of story telling, taking lots of time. Also story telling has no direct impact on reality while art can have a direct impact in domains like architecture, fashion, etc. or in the design of objects like airoplanes, cars, chairs, plates etc., where it sometimes degrades to decoration. A fast approach can be taken by studying pictures, "a picture is worth a thousand words" and can be interpreted fast, so here we go with a Dutch/Belgian/German (NL, BE, DE) biased view on Reality, Idealization and Essentialization representing the slow change from mimesian to non-mimesian art:
41900 bc Anonymus / Hunting scenes | ID Essentialization of hunting, earliest known cave art representing a daily life reality in Sulawesi Indonesia |
30000 bc Anonymus / Hunting scenes | FR Essentialization of hunting, early cave art representing a daily life reality in the Ardèche France |
1070 Anonymus / Bayeux tapestry | FR Essentialization of male dominance, 620 men, 190 horses, 37 trees, 35 dogs, 33 buildings, 32 ships, 6 women, 2 camels | 15th CENTURY (2) |
1434 Jan van Eyck / Arnolfini portret | BE Essentialization of pregnancy |
1490 Jheronimus Bosch / Tuin der lusten | NL Essentialization of heaven and hell | 16th CENTURY (1) |
1515 Albrecht Dürer / Rhinoceros | DE Essentialization of a rhinoceros and prove that you can essentialize something you have never seen |
1528 Albrecht Dürer / Hare | DE Idealization of a hare |
1560 Pieter Bruegel de oude / Kinderspelen | NL/BE Idealization of childlike playfulness | 17th CENTURY (15) |
1612 Artemisia Gentileschi / Judith and Holofernes | IT Essentialization of the result of me too |
1620 Frans Hals / De Rommelpotspeler | NL Idealization of poverty |
1621 Peter Paul Rubens / Isabella Brant | BE Idealization of a female smile |
1624 Frans Hals / Luitspelende Nar | NL Idealization of a male smile |
1648 Gerard ter Borch / Het sluiten van de Vrede van Munster | NL Essentialization of signing piece |
1628-1669 Rembrandt van Rijn / Self portaits | NL Essentialization of the selfie |
1650 Diego Velázquez / Pope Innocent X | ES Essentialization of a pope that hides a truth that was revealed in 1953 and beyond |
1656 Diego Velázquez / Infanta Margarita | ES Idealization of a child |
1659 Pieter de Hooch / Binnenplaats met rokende man en drinkende vrouw | NL Essentialization of the bourgeois addiction to smoking and drinking |
1660 Johannes Vermeer / Melkmeisje | NL Idealization of a milkmaid |
1661 Johannes Vermeer / Gezicht op Delft | NL Idealization of Delft |
1662 Samuel Van Hoogstraten / View of a corridor | NL Idealization of a Dutch corridor |
1664 Frans Hals / De regentessen van het oudemannenhuis | NL Non Idealization of old women |
1664 Philips Koninck / Panoramisch Landschap | NL Idealization of clouds |
1699 Caspar van Wittel / Piazza Navona | NL Idealization of a town square | 18th CENTURY (2) |
1713 Arnold Boonen / Portrait of Catharina Backer | NL Idealization of female grace |
1782 Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun / Self Portrait in a Straw Hat | FR essentialization of self-consciousness |
1791 Francisco Goya / The Straw Manikin | ES Essentialization of joy | 19th CENTURY (25) |
1800ca Marguerite Gérard / Music lesson | FR Essentialization of teaching music |
1818 Caspar David Friedrich / Wanderer above the sea of fog | DE Idealization of the walker |
1820 Francisco Goya / Dog | ES Idealization of a dog |
1820 Francisco Goya / Desastres della Guerra No.05 | ES Essentialization of human stupidity |
1832 Katsushika Hokusai / The Great Wave | JP Essentialization of the power of a wave |
1849 Rosa Bonheur / Ploughing in Nevers | FR Essentialization of ploughing |
1849 Raden Saleh / Javanese Landscape | ID Idealization of the Orient with tigers listening to the sound of a travelling group |
1871 William James Webbe / A White Terrier by a Mossy Bank with Flowers | GB Idealization of a dog |
1872 Jozef Israëls / Kinderen der Zee | NL Idealization of the focus of children |
1875 Willem Roelofs / The rainbow | NL Essentialization of the power of a rainbow |
1876 Gustave Caillebotte / Floor Scrapers | FR Essentialization of labour |
1877 Pierre-Auguste Renoir / Portrait of Jeanne Samary | FR Essentialization of the cuteness of a face |
1880 William Stott of Oldham / Prince or Shepherd | GB Idealization of countryside tranquility |
1881 Pierre-Auguste Renoir / Luncheon of the Boating Party | FR Idealization of a party |
1884 John Singer Sargent / MadameX | US Essentialization of female grace |
1885 Jan Veth / Portret van AlbertVerwey | NL The ultimate portrait |
1886 Bernard Blommers / Het Breistertje | NL Idealization of knitting |
1887 Antonio Mancini / Aurelia | IT Idealization of a resting woman |
1887 Vilhelm Hammershoei / A Young Girl Who Sews | DK Essentialization of the focus of a girl on sewing |
1890 Kate Bisschop Swift / Balcony | NL Essentialization of the balcony, a female Vermeer/Renoir painting in an out of fashion style but of higher quality than paintings from Han van Meegeren |
1890 Vincent van Gogh / Amandelbloesem | NL Essentialization of almond blossom |
1891 Ilja Repin / Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks | RU Essentialization of anti diplomacy |
1893 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec / In Bed | FR Essentialization of lying in bed |
1896 Kate Bisschop Swift / Close up uur | NL A female Vermeer |
1899 Claude Monet / Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge | FR Idealization of a garden | 20th CENTURY (59) |
1902 Elizabeth Nourse / Meditation | US Idealization of a moment of mediation |
1905 Akseli Gallen-Kallela / Lake Keitele | FI Essentialization of a water surface |
1906 Paula Moderson Becker / Self portrait | DE Essentialization of the intimacy of a wedding anniversary |
1907 Kees van Dongen / Akrobaat | NL Essentialization of the grace of an female acrobat |
1907 Laurits Tuxen / Summer day at the beach of Skagen | DK Essentialization of the beach feeling |
1911 Edvard Munch / The Sun | NO Essentialization of the power of the sun |
1913 Bart Van Der Leck / Buiten met de fiets | NL Essentialization of the Dutch bicycle |
1914 Jan Mankes / Jonge Witte Geit | NL Essentialization of a goat, see photo Essentialization of a donkey |
1915 Amedeo Modigliani / Testa rossa | IT Essentialization of a womans face |
1915 Egon Schiele / Sitzendes Paar (Egon und Edith Schiele) | AT Essentialization of an aging couple (We zien er al bijna zo uit maar is niet erg hoor !) |
1918 Gustav Klimt / Portrait of Johanna Staude | AT Essentialization of one of the many women he loved |
1918 Thérèse Schwartze/ Portrait of Johanna Theadora Van Hoorn Schouwe | NL Essentialization of a class woman | roaring twenties (6) |
1921 Paul Klee / Adam and Little eve | DE/CH Essentialization of Adam and Eve |
1923 Alida Pott / Portret of Hilda Idema | NL Essentialization of female consciousness |
1924 Gerrit Rietveld & Truus Schröder / RietveldSchröder huis | NL Idealization in architecture somtimes plays a questionable role, but it can become Art |
1927 Joan Miro / Peinture Poeme (Musique, Seine, Michel, Bataille et Moi) | ES Essentialization of the flow of a surrealistic dream |
1928 Edward Hopper / Night Windows | US Idealization of a flow of air expressing the mystery of loneliness |
1929 Paul Klee / The balloon in the window | DE/CH Essentialization of a balloon flight | thirties (4) |
1933 Jeanne Bieruma Oosting / Dame | NL Essentialization of female nudity from a female perspective |
1937 Pablo Picasso / Guernica | ES Essentialization of human stupidity |
1937 Rene Magritte / The Therapeutist | BE Would you cancel a painting from a sadist who tries to make money with forgeries |
1938 Frida Kahlo / The Suicide of Dorothy Hale | MX Essentialization of suicide in a non appreciated scheme | forties (3) |
1943 Willem Gerard Hofker / Ni Goesti Kompiang Mawar | NL Essentialization of the oriental mystic beauty |
1944 Piet Mondriaan / Victory Boogie Woogie | NL Essentialization of the abstraction, note the tension between the squares and the triangles, the simplest 2d figures in math |
1948 Karel Appel / Cry of Freedom | NL Essentialization of freedom | fifties (4) |
1950-1985? Ovartaci / Untitled Not dated | DK Essentialization of the madness in outsider art |
1950 Otto Djaya / The Battle | ID Essentialization of a battle |
1953 Francis Bacon / Study After Velazquez Portrait of Pope Innocent X | IE Essentialization of finding the truth behind a face of the catholic church after 303 years of truth finding |
1955-2024 Olga Ondreickova and Pavel Ondreicka / PLAY Trailer | SI Essentialization of the question if architecture can become art | sixties (3) |
1966 Else Afelt Flower of the universe no 20 | NL Undersestimated COBRA member |
1967 Lotti van der Gaag / Festival d'Amour | NL Te speels voor COBRA, ja alleen een vrouw kan op deze manier knopen gebruiken |
1967 Marc Chagall / Carnival of Flowers | RU Essentialization of the intimacy of love | seventies (7) |
1970 Jamie Wyeth / Pig | US Essentialization of a pig |
1971 Frans Zwartjes / Living | NL Van de man die de tekeningen van Rembrandt kunst vond maar de nachtwacht kunstig |
1971 Sjoerd de Vries / Portret van Adriaan Anne Marie van der Meulen | NL Verboden voor publikatie door Van Der Meulen, de waarheid is soms hard, the Churchill equivalent was burned |
1976 Francoise Gilot / Woman Fixing her Hair | FR After publication "Life with Picasso" he did want to see his children he got with her; this painting was sold for 1.584 EUR in feb 2023, amazing price difference between the male pig and female piglet artist |
1976 Wolfgang Mattheuer / Kuss in Kahn | DE Essentialization of the intimacy of an embracement |
1977 Philip Guston / Sleeping | CA Essentialization of an uncomfortable sleep |
1977 Marina Abramovic and Ulay / Relation In Time | DE/RS/NL(where they met) Essentialization of the love connection | eighties (9) |
1980 Ingrid Sikkens / Konijn Fredje | NL Essentialization of a rabbit |
1983 Moniek Toebosch / Aanvallen van Uitersten, Holland Festival 1983 | NL Geluk, geluk, bijna had ik hem, je ne regrette rien |
1983 Ingrid Sikkens / Glass contructed object | NL Essentialization of catching light |
1984 Ingrid Sikkens / Plastic dog | NL Essentialization of a dead dog |
1985-2010 Lichel van den Ende / Dress | NL Idealization in fashion sometimes plays a questionable role, but it can become Art (number 1) |
1986 Ingrid Sikkens / Dress | NL Idealization in fashion sometimes plays a questionable role, but it can become Art (number 2) |
1986 Ingrid Sikkens / Fragile Bird | NL Essentialization of fragility |
1987 Madi Phala / These Guys Are Heavy | ZA Essentialization of the fact that black artists matter with a view on violence |
1988 Ingrid Sikkens / Blauwe Pop | NL Essentialization of attitude | nineties (11) |
1990 Siri Beerends / Ballon met vliegende vis | NL Dat kan mijn dochter van 5 ook |
1990 Ingrid Sikkens en Siri Beerends / Strand zee zon | NL Cooper pair co-operation? |
1993 Lucian Freud / Self portraits | GB Harsh Reality and wearing my favourite brand of ever lasting repairable Timberland shoes |
1993 Paul Rebeyrolle / Hommage a Courbet no 6 | FR Essentialization of female nudity from a male perspective |
1994 Azzedine Alaïa.jpg / Dress | FR Idealization in fashion sometimes plays a questionable role, but it can become Art (number 3) |
1995 Anselm Kiefer / Sternenfall | DE Is this heaven or is this hell ? |
1997 Derk Wessels / /BloemenVaas | NL Essentialization of a flower vase (down syndrome outsider art brut) |
1997 Pipilotti Rist / Ever is Over All | CH Essentialization of agression |
1998 Gerhard Richter / Orchid1|Bouquet | DE Idealization of an orchid (1998) | Essentialization of a flower bouquet (2009) |
1998 Paula Rego / Triptych | GB/PT The most fascinating women |
1999 Francis Alÿs / El Ensayo | BE Sisyphean Essentialization, should be experienced in surround for maximum immersion | 21th CENTURY (22) zero's (6) |
2000ca Peter Klashorst / Black Beauty | NL Essentialization of black beauty |
2000 Bill Viola / Ascension | US Essentialization of slow disappearance |
2000 Ingrid Sikkens / Untitled | NL |
2000 Ingrid Sikkens / Chimney decoration | NL Can a decoration be art? |
2001 Chu Teh-Chun / Complexité | CN Essentialization of light and colour |
2002 Peter Vos / Air Valentin | NL Essentialization of bird joy, unfortunately drawings have a lower status than paintings |
2008 James Morrison / Low water | GB Essentialization of Water and the weather | tens (7) |
2010 Levi van Veluw / Family / Origin of the Beginning | NL Essentialization of alienation |
2012 Wikipedia Kleuterschool / Compilatie | NL Dat kan mijn kind ook |
2012 Pierre Huyghes / Untitled | FR |
2013 Lotta Blokker / The Hour of the Wolf | NL |
2015 Tereza Rullerova / Playbour Supersonik | CZ Essentialization of playfull work |
2015 Laurie Anderson / Heart of a Dog | US With a touch of Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein (see last page of my PhD) |
2017 Matthew Wong / The journey home | CA Essentialization of a sunny trip home | twenties (but not roaring) (10) |
2012 Miriam Cahn / Weinen Müssen | CH Essentialization of grief |
2018 Aline Thomassen / Untitled | NL Essentialization of the female look on a woman |
2020 Jacqueline De Jong / Border Line | NL Essentialization of a border line |
2020 Abdoulaye Konaté / Coucher de Soleil au Sahel | ML Essentialization of sunny colors |
2020 Jo Baer / Snow Laden Primeval | US Essentialization of the overwhelming power of nature |
2021 Ingrid Sikkens et al./ HET EINDE | NL Essentialization of THE END (1) |
2022 Iris van Herpen / Dress | NL Idealization in fashion sometimes plays a questionable role, but it can become Art (number 4) |
2023 Unknown Child in Gaza / THE END IS NEAR | PS Essentialization of THE END (2) |
2023 Ronald Zuurmond / Vertrokken Onbekend Waarheen | NL Essentialization of fleeing refugees |
2024 Birgit Osten (Albrecht Dürer) / I love Nürenberg and Standards | DE Essentialization of the three way Cooper pair co-operation between TNO, OPTICOM and SwissQual, allowing to set a wide perspective ITU standard on speech quality. Farewell gift from OPTICOM. |